Let’s face it… If you’re reading this post you’re probably not a morning person. Maybe you are, but you just don’t know how to prioritize.
I was the latter of the two. I didn’t mind waking up early and just laying in bed, scrolling through social media or daydreaming.I had the waking up part down packed, but actually doing something productive with that time…. Eh, I needed a little work .
I had so many aspirations, that if I continued on that path, would’ve stayed just that. Until it really hit me like a ton of bricks.
The only thing keeping me from my dreams is me!
Each day can bring you a step closer to your dreams becoming a reality. These are the steps that took me from dreaming to doing (successfully at that)
So what are you waiting for? Start now!
Start the night before;
Pick out your clothes, shoes and even accessories the night before. You’d be surprised how much it helps. Bonus: if you do it while your wide awake you don’t walk past the mirror later wondering how the heck you put that outfit together
Wake up two hours before your scheduled to be anywhere;
Allow yourself time to fully wake up on your own time. Your morning sets the tone for your day & no one wants to begin their day feeling rushed.
Open those blinds and MAKE YOUR BED;
Your mother was on to something all those years of telling you to make your bed. There is no better feeling than coming home to a tidy house. As for the blinds, the sunlight will help wake you up with natural light and vitamin c will give you a well needed energy boost!
Time To Write;
Grab a journal (not your phone) & write at least one thing you’re thankful for. Start each morning on a positive note and as time goes by you’ll have an entire notebook filled with nothing but positivity. These are the first things you want to see in the morning, not the latest social media drama.
Part Two of Time To Write;
Your your To Do List. Get all of those things that are lingering in the back of your mind, out of your head and on paper. We can talk about prioritizing them later…
Spend 5-10 minutes meditating or doing a few yoga poses.Not into meditation? A cup of coffee or tea and uninterrupted quiet time will suffice.Set a timer for an even five minutes and just “be.”

Morning Hygiene & Affirmations
These are non negotiable. Wash your face, brush your teeth, moisturize & AFFIRM. Speak at least three affirmations out loud. No one can see the greatness in you, until you see the greatness in yourself.
Need a list of general good vibe affirmations? Click here
Actually take some time to put yourself together, don’t just throw up the messy bun. Brush your hair, lay those edges put on some of your favorite work perfume & WERK Chile!
Alexa, play Beyoncé – Homecoming Album
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