Legacies are created every day and the legends that insight them do their best to continue to inspire the masses.  We are here to honor Trina: The Perfect Blend of Bling, Beauty, and Inspiration.

On Monday, May 15, 2017, Glitz & Girlpower honored Katrina Laverne Taylor (a.k.a. Trina) as the 1st#WatchusWerk honoree at STK South Beach. #WatchusWerk dinner series was designed by Glitz & Girlpower in partnership with Premier Choice Group to celebrate the most inspirational and influential women in their respective industries.

We honored Trina for all the major milestones made throughout her 17th years in the music industry. These milestones in her rapper career would not be possible without support from the residents of Miami-Dade County.

The dinner concluded with Trina receiving a proclamation declaring May 15th “Trina Day in the City of Miami.”  Stay tuned as #WatchusWerk comes to New York City, Atlanta, and Los Angeles.


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjbtLv8DQMk]

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