Chef Jamie is nervously making sure everything is perfect. Her family, friends, people from the media have all gathered for the big day. She takes a deep breath pushes the door open and sets out her signature dishes for the eager crowd. She hugs a few and takes pictures with a few others. As she turns back to the dishes she sat out she notices that her Tuscan Chicken Sliders and Feta and Butternut Squash Salad are gone. She smiles as everyone comments on how good they area. She retreats back to the kitchen to replenish them. She lets out a sigh of relief. Everything she’s worked for has come to fruition; her baby Soul Delight Catering has a new home and it feels amazing! After all Chef Jamie is no stranger to the kitchen, she served as a chef at the prestigious Marriott, but this is something to call her own. She mouths a thank you GOD!
On November 14th, The MLK Incubator celebrated its grand opening. If you’re anything like me, you have no Idea what that is. A kitchen incubator is a licensed commercial space that is certified for food production. This is perfect for foodprenuers in urban areas because rental space is costly. Just like any business, you have to figure out how to keep cost low when starting out so expensive leases are definitely out of the question. The MLK Incubator is located at 6118 NW 7th ave. It is now home to several new black owned businesses including Soul Delight, Empty Plates Catering by Chef Dee, Petit Cakes Bakery & Catering, Dad’s Cooking, Drinks on Me 305, and Meeks Catering.
The Pretty Hustle Team was in the building mixing and mingling as well as indulging in all of the complimentary foods. If you missed this event you missed a treat ( Chef Jamie’s Shrimp Taco w/Avocado Lime Aioli was our fave) Don’t fret though the businesses will be up and ready to provide you with all the food your heart desires sooner than later. If the Shrimp Tacos piqued your interest follow Soul Delight Catering on Instagram(@souldelightcatering) for takeout dates & times. You won’t regret it!