The early 2000’s were a good time. The 90’s brought us enough quality R&B music to last a lifetime. However, the 2000’s provided a new wave of dance and pop music. Bootylicious, Hollaback Girl, and Delima were a few hits that I would listen to on mainstream radio. However, underground radio was my guilty pleasure at the time. 97.7 to be exact. If you grew up in Miami then I’m sure youre well aware of what I’m talking about. It was here that I was introduced to Nivea. Laundromat, Okay, and Complicated became staples on any CD I made from there on out. Watching videos was also a pastime of mine like many other girls my age. I remember seeing Nivea in the Okay video and was intrigued by her style and colorful hair. She was a carefree black girl before the term was a thing. I still revisit her albums when I want to scroll down memory lane.

We haven’t heard much from Nivea outside of the men she’s been tied to. She was married to The Dream and they have two children. She also has two children from Lil Wayne. I always assumed Nivea was out of the limelight by choice. I figured after having children, she decided to settle down and had no desire to return to music. Today, BET Digital premiered its original series  “Finding” The first episode covered Nivea. In the episode Nivea gave us a behind the scenes look at what was happening with her career. It turns out, everything wasn’t as it seemed. She struggled to get air play and was often told she was too pop. She spoke on her relationships, her children and her desire to return to music. Nivea didn’t hold anything back. I don’t want to give too much away so check out Finding below and let us know in the comments what you think!


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