Yvonne Orji who plays Molly on popular HBO show Insecure recently revealed that at 33 she is still a virgin and very proud. Orji in a recent interview with People explained that even before her fame her decision to remain a virgin until marriage was made.

“Before any of the fame happened, I sat down with myself and with God and thought, when I make it, how do you want me to represent you while I’m here?”

Her ultimate decision was to make God proud and she stands firm on her faith as a dedicated Christian.

Yvonne who came to the US from Nigeria when she was only 6 years old, graduated from George Washington University with a masters in public health. Her family had hopes that she would continue education and become a doctor when she announced that she wanted to go to NY to become a comedian.

Ironically, her character Molly is very different from Yvonne. Issa’s best friend Molly struggles keeping relationships and engages in a lot of sex. Despite the shows title Insecure, Molly is very comfortable with her decision and is very open with being a virgin until marriage.

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