Image result for finding the perfect nude color with the nipple color

We all know the desire of getting the perfect nude lip. Finding the perfect color can be difficult fortunately there is a quick and easy way to find your nude lipstick color. We often blindly choose nude shades that might not match our skin own resulting in a pale or dull look.


The best way to find the perfect nude lipstick color is to match the lipstick to the color of your nipples.

The experts of, the daytime medical-related talk show “The Doctors”, shared the best way of finding a lipstick shade that complements the skin tone and fits naturally to the hue of the lips. Matching your lipstick color to the color of your areolas may be the best may be the best way to get the desired look of the nude lip. The color is not to light either is it too dark it simply compliments the skin tone.




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