Dear Black Creatives,

I know it seems like no one addresses you directly. All too often you’re taken for granted and it may even seem like you’re being overlooked. So I  decided to write this letter to let you know I feel you. I AM YOU!! Being a  new creative has opened my eyes to a lot of things. I can honestly say I’ve never thought about how difficult working in this field can actually be. To the outside world you spend your days doing nothing. I mean blog posts, videos, pictures, and podcasts aren’t actual “work” you’ve got it easy. (insert eye roll here) . That was sarcasm for the slow ones in the back. This thing you do it doesn’t come with instructions. For the most part, all the education in the world won’t guarantee that your work will be appreciated.  You’ve got to trust your gut, believe in what you do and have patience; three things that are not easy to do! People will call you for your expertise; the thing you do to pay your bills and expect you to do it for free. As a creative the product you offer is not tangible and for that reason people will expect you not to charge them for it. I know it’s frustrating, but keep going!!! You are needed to tell our stories, preserve our culture and cover our events. Your work is important and don’t let anything or anybody tell you different. Even YOU! Cause of course YOU are your own hardest critique! Ease up on yourself, celebrate your wins and don’t let losses get to your heart. After all you’ll need it to lead your passions. Oh and before I forget don’t feel guilty for taking a break. They are important. Consistency is important, but taking a break will keep you fresh and THAT is important. But you knew that! As the year comes to an end reflect on your best and worse projects. Learn from them. Look back on how far you’ve come and get ready for what 2019 has in store and always remember YOU and everything you do MATTERS!

Love & Light,

Lena Badazz & The Pretty Hustle Team

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